'Political Election Issues'

Big Spending Promises
are they the right projects that reflect the
metro and country Community's
in every State?

The Voice Referendum 2023

What does the Data say All Australian Citizens Wanted?

Gaining Insights into the Federal Divisions & Individual Polling Booths that voted either “No or Yes” has never been easier

Australia Voted “No” in this referendum.  When you combine the data from the polling booths from previous elections and then also combine the data from the ‘Know your Neighbourhood’ at the smallest granularity of Sa1, the micro patterns of the demographic starts to appear.

Have fun discovering those hidden facts that you thought you knew but when investigating you find something completely different about your Neighbourhood.

Hospital Emergency Waiting Times or Suburban Train Loop?

Where to you think the Big Money should be spent?

5% of Australian people do not have access to a car in their homes.  ABS Census 2021 data tells the story, proves my hypotheses.

Yet the Victorian Labor Government insists on spending $Billions of Taxpayer money on a single project that will benefit a very very small percentage of metropolitan Victorians.

Money is desperately needed for our failing Health System yet, the money is going else where.  People are dying waiting for an Ambulance but they are stuck at the emergency departments.

Band aid solutions of opening afterhours facilities isn’t the answer as where are they all?

Household Income vs Expenditure

ABS data tells a very important story.

Victorian Federal Election 2022

The Labor Government campaigned with promises of affordable living with all of their band aid solutions.  What has happened since is a very different story.

Mortgage & Rental Stress is considered >30% of household income.  The census data was collected prior to the last federal election where we have seen everything increase including interest rates.  

This government decision making is bankrupting Australian’s the data tells the story.  

note:  add at least 2% points to the mortgage and rental  figures to get a realistic conservative truth telling story.

Population Projections

What areas are people moving too?

AEC figures provided by ABS are broken down into Sa1 levels and the smallest ‘level of detail’ to investigate.

You will be able to investigate the Enrolments to vote changes in the area throughout Victoria, to help your decision making process.