'Know Your Neighbourhood'

ABS 2021 Census
presented so everyone
can understand

Interactive Dashboards
Poster Style

People with Chronic Health Conditions

Victorian's will always remember the image of the temporary tent set up outside the emergency department at Box Hill Hospital in August 2022.
Why was this necessary?
Can't blame COVID as the Census data has always told decision makers how many people could need emergency help in the future!

Education: Victoria

Gain insight into how many people are currently engaged in learning either at pre school, primary school, secondary school, tertiary education, and compare family income and expenses, in the households in your selected area.
What is the highest level of males and females that are no longer attending education classes?

Family Characteristics

Learn about the family dynamic in your neighbourhood.
Are their families with children <15 years old?
Do the children have one or two parents?
Understand the monthly income and expenses watch the output change as you select a greater area and see the micro patterns emerge as you select your areas!

Income Male | Female

Is there wage inequality in your neighbourhood? Investigate the wages earn't per week and compare the male to female ratio per wage bracket.
Discover the number of males and females working in your area, you may be surprised just how many are working! ABS will be releasing more insights in October 2022.

Income | Expenditure
Mortgage | Rental | Car

Find the answers to your many questions about!
Are families in financial mortgage or rental stress?
Are there many dwellings without a car?
Are households experiencing overcrowding in my neighbourhood and surround areas?
Is the median population aging?

Unpaid Work & Care

The heros of our community who assist a person with a disability, health condition or due to old age by age and by sex.
Undertand the core activity needed for assistance by age and by sex explained.
Also a look into the Volunary work for an organisaion or group by sex and by age.
Learn more on this webpage.