Unreasonable Wait Times
Emergency & Ambulance Ramping
Suburban Train Loop?

What is the right solution for the People of Victoria.
Data on this page gives you a very clear picture. Just start digging and you will see the answer!!

Your Questions Answered in the data tables below.

  • How many [dwellings | households] in my [SA1 neighbourhood] are without a motor vehicle?
  • How many [dwellings | households] in my [SA1 neighbourhood] have >=1 motor vehicle?
  • How many [dwellings | households] in my [SA1 neighbourhood] are in mortgage or rental stress  >=30% of income?
  • What is the [median household income] in my [SA1 neighbourhood].  Does what I earn compare with my neighbours?
  • How many people in my [SA1 neighbourhood] have been diagnosed by their doctor with a [chronic illness] needing hospital care by age group?
  • What is the [average household size]?
  • What is the [average age] of people in my neighbourhood?

Want to know exactly what is happening in your neighbourhood?

You may be surprise as your ‘SA1’ neighbourhood could be experiencing something very different at the suburb & LGA  level.  ABS Census 2021 breaks down the data stories where you can see exactly what is happening in your neighbourhood.

Download & Print
your selections Instructions.

There is two ways that you can find your streets SA1 neighbourhood code.


  • Select your SA4
  • Select your SA3
  • Select your SA2
  • A list of SA1 codes is on your screen now
  • Zoom in to find your street and take note of your neighbourhood SA1

Simply just Zoom into the map and locate your neighbourhood’s SA1 code

If you want to change the map area you will need to remove all of the filters you have applied.

To do this you need to:

Mouse over the filter slowly to the top right hand side.

A grey filter icon appears and if there is any conditions applied there will be a red (X).

Click on this red (X) to remove the filter and ensure that SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4 do not have a red (X).

You will then be able to view all areas to begin another area analysis

The bar at the bottom of the interactive dashboard on the right hand side has a downward arrow.  #Click this and a pop up window appears. 

  • Select PDF.
  • Include:  This View
  • Page Size:  A4
  • Orientation:  Horizontal

Select: Download to create the PDF.

www. abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/main-structure-and-greater-capital-city-statistical-areas/statistical-area-level-3