'Australian Federal Election Results'
modelled at
Polling Booth Level of Detail

Investigate each Polling Booth Results for each Election Year

  Quickly identify the trend of votes Liberal Party, Labor Party, Greens and the informal votes cast at the polling booth.  as well as a quick overview of votes cast at the selected polling booth from 2007 – 2022.

The Table outlines all political party’s election results for the year at the Polling Booth Selected. 

Mouse over the all charts to view the information associated with the chart output:

Note:  When selecting the Division you may not see the polling booth if at the Boundary Redistribution the Polling Booth changed divisions.

Ever wondered how many times a polling booth moved Federal Division as a result of the Redistribution process?

Teesdale is one of the many polling booths that have been disrupted by the Redistribution of Federal Electoral Boundaries.

Beneath the pie chart is a table that clearly states the number of votes cast at the polling booth by year and what Division.

The two tables in the lower section of the dashboard identify the Political Party, Candidate Name and the number and swing per election year

Click on a  slice of pie in the chart section to view popup window:

  • Political Party
  • Swing %
  • Ordinary Votes cast at the polling booth.

Found the Statistics you are looking for?
Scroll down for the 'Interactive Dashboards' described above
to start digging!

Download & Print
your selections: Instructions.

There is two ways that you can find your streets SA1 neighbourhood code.


  • Select your SA4
  • Select your SA3
  • Select your SA2
  • A list of SA1 codes is on your screen now
  • Zoom in to find your street and take note of your neighbourhood SA1

Simply just Zoom into the map and locate your neighbourhood’s SA1 code

If you want to change the map area you will need to remove all of the filters you have applied.

To do this you need to:

Mouse over the filter slowly to the top right hand side.

A grey filter icon appears and if there is any conditions applied there will be a red (X).

Click on this red (X) to remove the filter and ensure that SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4 do not have a red (X).

You will then be able to view all areas to begin another area analysis

The bar at the bottom of the interactive dashboard on the right hand side has a downward arrow.  #Click this and a pop up window appears. 

  • Select PDF.
  • Include:  This View
  • Page Size:  A4
  • Orientation:  Horizontal

Select: Download to create the PDF.

www. abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/main-structure-and-greater-capital-city-statistical-areas/statistical-area-level-3