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Interactive Dashboards
You are no longer limited by your imagination.
Bring your story to life is easier than you think.

Melbourne Cup Honour Roll

The story for the Champions of racing starts in 1861. Every horse has a back story, mouse over to discover. Ever thought of the impact of the KG's carried, click through to see the chart that gives you the answers to this question. You may be suprised by what you see!

Greatest Race Never Run

What if... Makybe Diva, Phar Lap, Think Big or The Barb all lined up to race. Who would win? This interactive dashboard brings the story together. View original race footage or read articles published in the daily paper when the race was run.

Golf Club Champions

Ever wondered who the person was that won the club championship back in 1964. The interactive dashboard brings to life the journey each champion took. Read about who they are what the day was like, what their handicap was at the time or how many people competed on the day.